Anyone who knows Scott knows that he loves cheese!! I mean LOVES cheese!! The other day he went to the Farmers Market and there were some people there selling homemade cheese. That got him thinking...."this is my calling." Right when he got home he sat at the compy until he found what he was looking for, a cheese recipe that he could do RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!! Here is the recipe:
1 qt whole milk
1 cup buttermilk
2 t lemon juice
salt to taste
-Heat milk on low heat to 175 degrees
-Pour in buttermilk and lemon juice
-Remove from heat
-Stir 30 seconds
-Curds should seperate from whey. If not add more lemon juice
-Let stand for 10 min
-Laddle curds into cheesecloth in colander
-Tie off and let hang for 30 min
-Add salt to taste, and whatever else you want!!!
-Refridgerate overnight
-EAT!!! YUM YUM!!!
Mr. Cheesy We made 2 different cheeses. Sage and black pepper and Green olive with red pepper and green onion!Curding process
Scott You're a cheese chef!! Good job!
Fantastic Scott! Kara, nice documentation. I always knew that at least one of the Jorgensen's would rise in culinary skill to the level of homemade cheese. Granted, father Jorgensen made cheese, but that was at Gosner's. I am extremely proud, jealous, and now hungry.
hey this isn't about cheese... this is about Jessica's shower at my house (April Weeks) on June 22 at 11 am I don't have your current address... hope you can come, it's a grocery shower. the cheese does look remarkable though.
Scott, you are a wonder! I have a recipe in my pioneer handbook (go ahead, laugh!) for making cheese, and if you want to try it i'll send it to you. I think you're really cool to try new things! Now just market your own ramen noodle recipe, and you'll be famous!!!
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