Scott set up this awesome boat ride for us to go on! We were a little nervous about how Dane would like it, but he did great!!
It was a 6 hour ride to the west side of the island, called the Na'pali Coast. It was beautiful!! They served us a little breakfast and a great lunch. They also stopped for about an hour and let us all go snorkeling!! A first for me! It was awesome!!

#1 Right when we boarded the ship. Dane looks happy there, but a few minutes later we had to put his life jacket on. He threw the biggest fit!!
#2 & #3- About 20 minutes into the ride we spotted some dolphins!! There were about 200! They were amazing!! They swam right up to the boat and played. They did tricks and everything!! I LOVED it!
#4,#5,& #6- The boys! Having a great time!
#7- All of us gettin some fresh air!
#8-The Na'pali Coast
#9, 10, &11- This is when all 3 of the boys started to get sea sick! Scott had it the worst. He was GREEN and he wouldn't let us talk to him. Poor guys. Dane slept through most of his sickness (about 3 hours) and Kirk tried to ignore his sickness.

#12- More beautiful coast.
#13- Dane saw a "pirate ship". He kelp saying "wook pirates!!" So cute!!
#14- This guy had the worst sickness. He was slumped over for most of the trip. He threw up about 4 times! Poor guy!