What is his name? Scott Ross Jorgensen
How long have you been together? We have been married for 4 1/2 years and we meet 7 years ago.
How long did you date? That is tricky! We dated for 2 months before his mission, wrote during our missions, got engaged 4 weeks after I got home, and got married 3 months later!! What do you think?
How old is he? 26
Who eats more? Depends! If it is sweet, ME! If it is salty, HIM!
How said "I Love You first"? Oh boy! I can't remember! I think it was him. In Colorado about 3 days after we started hanging out! What can I say! I guess I'm irresistible!
Who is taller? Shoes off, him. Shoes on, me. Girl shoes are always tall! He is 5'9" I am 5'8".
Who is smarter? We both are! But he can kill me at trivia any day!
Who does the laundry? Well, mostly me. He does help, but I really like doing it! It's so warm!
Who does the dishes? We both do. I put them in the dishwasher and he puts them away.
Who pays the bills? Me! I work at the bank, so it is easier for me to get everything done while I am there.
Who mows the lawn? What lawn? If we had a lawn I think we would both do it! It is one of our favorite chores!
Who cooks dinner? We both do in equal amounts. Usually when the weather is nice Scott is outside justa grillin away!
Who drives when you are together? Him. He is a good driver.
Who is more stubborn? We both are pretty stubborn, but he takes the cake!
Who asked who out first? I think that was probably me! I thought he was cute!
Who proposed? He did! We were on the Logan Temple grounds having a jamba juice. All of a sudden he whipped out his guitar and sang me a love song! Half way through the song he asked me to get his guitar pick from his guitar case. When I did there was a pretty little white box!!! I opened it and....there was a green guitar pick!!! I looked at him with a confused face and he smiled and pulled the ring out of his pocket! He got on one knee and asked me to marry him! He is so romantic!
Who has more siblings? Me! 3 brothers and 1 sister. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? Scott would love it if I said it was him, but I think we are pretty equal!
I tag Kim, Dianna,and Korrine