Dane graduated from preschool!! We were so proud of him! His teacher was Mrs. Randall and she was better than we could've wished for! When he started school he wouldn't dare color a picture because it made him mad that he couldn't color perfectly inside the lines. Basically he wouldn't touch a crayon. On his FIRST day of school she got him to write his name!! Now he colors all the time, writes letters and numbers, draws pirate ships, people, transformers, you name it!! It also made him come out of his shell. Since he was our only child for a few years (and the first born), we didn't want to share him with anyone, so we were his only friends. It was hard for him to relate to other kids. Now he LOVES to play with others.
This is his class picture. I love his little face! |
Dane was the very last one on the stage, and he took his time getting there!! That is his teacher showing him where to stand. |
He wouldn't take his eyes off of me for the first little while. It was cracking us up!! |
Still looking at me! |
He gave me the good 'ole gun click! It was hilarious!! At this point it was very quiet and everyone was holding still. Then he shoot me the gun and everyone started laughing! |
Say the pledge of allegiance. |
Some other pledge having to do with Christ and being a good person. |
Maintaining eye contact! |
Sweet smile! |
Saying a prayer |
Him getting called up to receive his diploma. |
Hand shake! |
Graduate! |
Proud smile! |
Picture of the family! (I hate this picture of me! But everyone else looks good!) |
Kirk and Matt came to visit right before Matt left for Germany for a few years. We were so glad they got to come to the graduation! |
Our beautiful baby girl! |
Macy girl is 7 1/2 months old. She sleeps from about 9pm until 7 am almost all the time! She loves Chewy and Chewy loves her. We have to be very vigilant when he is around her or he will lick her to death! She likes it! She sits up really well, rolls over like a champ, and is figuring out how to get in crawling position. She is a tough audience, we try and try to make her laugh, but it usually isn't funny enough fer her.! Although she never stops smiling! When we finally do get her to laugh it makes everyone in the room laugh! I still love her cry. It is so pretty and sweet. Her hair is getting long enough to stick a bow in. I love dressing her up and having my own little doll!!! We love this pretty baby! |